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Native Cellular Extracts

For over millions of years, our Native plants have developed highly resilient and adaptive mechanisms (phyto-nutrients) to grow, survive and regenerate in the typically harsh Australian climate extremes of drought, heat, intense wet seasons and cold.

For thousands of years, the Indigenous Australians have used our Native plants as sources of food, healing, medicine and survival. They have grown to understand the history of our native species, the lands and typography where they grow, how to harvest them and how each can be used purposely, effectively and sustainably. 

Now, thanks to the incredible skincare science of cellular extraction, we can tap into the ancient secrets of survival held by our native botanicals to extract their full profile of oil and water soluble phyto compounds as they exist in nature.  The result is a superior potency of 100% active compounds that directly affect the function of the skin. 

Cellular extracts are manufactured sustainably in Australia with eco conscious practices, using less plant material, purified rain-harvested water, energy, waste and biomass efficient.

Each extract can deliver the power of 3-10 phyto-compounds and their derivatives, creating a superior multifunctional ‘super extract’. 

Allow your skin to uptake the powerful benefits of Australian Native Extracts, to rejuvenate, nourish and protect your complexion, making it feel alive with a fresh vitality and glow.

Davidson Plum (Davidsonia Jerseyana)

also known as Ooray or Sour Plum

Source – Northern NSW & Queensland. Wild-harvested, Native rainforest tree that bears dark purple edible fruit with a tart, vibrant dark red flesh

Backstory – A delicious and nutritious source of bush tucker for our Indigenous and a source of food for rainforest wildlife.

Benefits - Packed with exciting anti-ageing phyto-compounds, this is another native super food. A rich source of Anthocyanins, a group of antioxidants that are powerful cell protectors against free radical damage, enhance collagen and elastin for the prevention of wrinkles, sagging and promoting skin elasticity, boosts hydration and helps to reduce inflammation. Its natural AHA enzyme activity works magic on the skin to brighten, even skin tone and promote cellular turnover, clarify and create luminous skin.  Intensifies the antioxidant activity of Vitamin C and its antimicrobial, pore cleansing ability can help with repairing congested/acne prone skin.

Desert Lime (Citrus Glauca)

Known as Bush Lime, Wild Lime or Native Cumquat

Source – NSW, Queensland & South Australia. A native thorny shrub that grows in semi-arid regions, producing a citrus fruit with a sweet, soft lime aroma and tiny juicy pearls.

Backstory  - the fruit’s juicy pearls were a thirst quencher or simply eaten whole, skin and all by our Indigenous as a nutritious food. Cleverly adapted to survive in desert conditions of extreme heat, UV and even frost, they are the quickest citrus to fruit after flowering and developed sharp thorns to protect against grazing animals.

Benefits Boasting a supreme 9 phyto-active compounds that have the power to protect our skin against environmental ageing, just like its desert adaptation of blocking out short UV rays and retaining a high moisture content.  A concentrated source of stable bioactive Vitamin C with anti-aging Ferulic Acid and more antioxidants than Goji Berries. Stimulates collagen for firmer, plumper skin and reducing wrinkles, an intense hydration booster, evens and brightens skin tone and actively reduces UV damage and pigmentation. A little gem for cell repair and a youthful glow.

Emu Apple – (Kunzea Pomifera)

Also known as Muntries, Native Cranberries, Munthari, Muntaberry or Monterry

Source: South Australia – wild-harvested native berry. A low growing shrub, with each berry around 1cm in diameter, green with a tinge of red at maturity and a spicy apple flavour.

Backstory: A highly valued miracle edible fruit by our Indigenous, traditionally ingested rather than applied topically.  Adapted to survive in its harsh environment through its potent phyto-nutrient activity.

Benefits: Packed with 9 powerful phyto-compounds, including up to 10 x more antioxidants than blueberries to protect the skin from ageing and rejuvenate damaged cells.  Rich in flavosone glycosides to help facilitate the absorption of other vital nutrients into the skin. Deeply nourishing, hydrating, improves collagen synthesis and stabilises Vitamin C activity, skin brightening and helps to eliminates dark spots & pigmentation, with anti-inflammatory compounds to calm, soothe and strengthen.  Contains multiple amino acids, which aid in skin repair, anti-inflammatory & anti-ageing action.

Finger Lime (Citrus Australasica)

Known as Lime Caviar

Source – Northern NSW/South East QLD.  A native rare subtropical rainforest thorny bush bearing finger shaped coloured fruits, inside are caviar-like pearls, which pop with a sweet lemon-lime juice, rich in Vitamins C and E, folate and potassium.

Backstory – Used by the Australian Indigenous for thousands of years as a valuable source of delicious ‘bush tucker’, and for medicinal purposes - to fight off sickness, an antiseptic, to heal and repair and protect against disease. Its powerful phyto-active compounds developed over time allowed this delicate native to sustain the challenging rainforest environment.

Benefits – Exploding with potent phyto-nutrients of Vitamin C and Ferulic Acid that work synergistically for superior hydration, supporting collagen growth, healing and repairing damaged cells. A rich source of natural AHA (fruit acids) that smooth, brighten and renew, Antioxidants that protect and repair skin against UV/environmental damage and Tryptophan (amino acid) that works to repair the skin barrier and help calm inflamed, reactive skin.  A brilliant multi-functional anti-ageing extract!

Kakadu Plum (Terminalia Ferdinandiana)

also known as (Gubinge, Billygoat Plum, Green Plum, Salty Plum, Kullari Plum or Murunga)

Source:  Kimberleys/Arnhem Land, Northern Territory.  Wild harvested by Indigenous communities. A native tree that produces creamy white flowers that form into a small sour purple fruit.

Backstory: This ancient fruit has been used for thousands of years as a gourmet bush food and as a traditional antiobiotic, anti-inflammatory and healing remedy. Considered a gift from the Dreamtime by our Indigenous, as all parts of the plant were used – bark, gum, leaves, fruit. The kakadu plum’s ability to grow and survive in  a hot environment with UV extremes and little rainfall, has made it resilient and adaptive to storing these amazing phyto-active compounds.

Benefits: Contains exceptional bio active nutrients and scientifically declared the highest source of Vitamin C of any fruit on the planet, (around 100 times more than oranges).  Vitamin C is known to actively create a more supple, radiant and improved skin texture, is a super hydrator and calms redness.  Powerful antioxidants help to reduce pigmentation from sun-damage and protect against further damaging free radicals, including UV related damage.  Rich in natural AHA’s for brighter, smoother skin & boosts Collagen synthesis to keep skin looking plump, supple and luminous.

Kangaroo Paw – (Anigozanthos Flavidus Flower/Leaf Extract)

Known as Nollamara, Kurulbrang or Yonga Marra by the Nyoongar people.

Source: South-Western Australia. Wild-harvested native flower.  Emblem of Western Australia and its fuzzy, velvet flowers resemble a Kangaroo’s Paw.

Backstory: With 11 colourful species, traditionally used for its nectar to make sweet drinks or harvested for its edible root tubers.  Its nourishing nectar also loved by native birds and animals, which over time, the plant developed little hairs on its flowers to deter larger feeding animals.  This adaptation became a beneficial moisture trap to encourage even more pollination of the species.

Benefits: Its skin loving multi-functional phyto-compounds help to target collagen production and rejuvenate skin, working to visibly brighten, increase elasticity, firmness and hydration. A natural source of Ferulic acid, a powerful anti-ageing antioxidant compound, that significantly protects and repairs against damage from UV and environmental stressors, improves skin barrier function and locks in moisture.  Natural sugars and fibres from its clever adaptation in nature help trap moisture on the skin, whilst its unique sugar alcohols create a cooling effect on the skin, which is wonderful for calming hot inflamed skin conditions.

Lemon Aspen (Acronychia Acidula)

Known as Rainforest Lemon

Source: Northern NSW/QLD. Wildharvested citrus fruit from a native rainforest tree, that has a tart, lemon flavour with a hint of spice and eucalypt and a rich source of antioxidants and minerals such as folate, iron, zinc, magnesium and calcium.

Backstory:  Regularly used for thousands of years by Indigenous Australians as a bush food source and medicinal purposes. Loaded with powerful phyto-active compounds developed over time to survive a challenging rainforest environment.

Benefits: A multi-tasker of bio-available phyto-nutrients, high in fruit acids and B vitamins to brighten, smooth and even skin tone, reduces inflammation to aid in skin repair. Powerful antioxidants help to combat free radical damage and support the activity of Vitamin C, to protect the skin from breaking down and ageing. Highly nourishing and protective for mature skin, toning and pH balancing for oily/problem skin and aids in capillary strengthening and calming redness for sensitive skin.

Lilli Pilli (Syzygium Leuhmannii)

also known as Riberry, Rain-berries

Source: NSW Coast. A stunning coastal tropical rainforest native tree from the myrtle family that produces pinky purple tiny edible berries that are crisp and tart, like cranberries.

Backstory: A renowned antibacterial bush medicine used by Indigenous Australians for internal and external healing – eg. Mashed up berries were applied to sore ears – and also eaten as a source of bush food.

Benefits: Packed with a potent range of phyto-actives that are brilliant for skin repair and rejuvenation due to ageing or sun damage. Naturally high in Vitamin C and fruit acids, it creates a smoother, brighter appearance, promotes the production of collagen and elastin to support skin ‘bounce’ and firmness that helps diminish the appearance of wrinkles.  Purifies the skin with gentle astringency and with strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits to strengthen capillaries, enhance Vitamin C activity and calm redness.

Mountain Pepper Leaf/Berry (Tasmannia Lanceolata Leaf/Fruit)

Also known as Native Pepper or Mountain Pepper

Source: Tasmania.  Wild harvested leaf and berries. This native is tree found in the cool alpine forests of Tasmania and South Eastern Australia and belongs to the ancient Gondwanan super-continent family of plants.

Backstory – Used by Indigenous Australians for thousands of years as a healing medicine, crushing the leaves to make medicinal teas for many ailments and crushing the berries into a paste for its antioxidant and antiseptic properties, to apply directly to toothache and skin infections. This hardy species has evolved to tolerate very cold winter temperatures, often exposed to the harsh elements of nature in rocky and windy mountainous areas.

Benefits – Packed with powerful regenerating and anti-ageing phyto-actives that deliver an extremely high dose of potent antioxidants including Vitamin E to protect the skin from free radical damage, breakdown, ageing and intensifies the action of Vitamin C.  In fact it has achieved the highest level of antioxidant activity on the global ORAC (world antioxidant rating), outperforming current sources by 5-100+ times! Its content of an active molecule known as Polygodial has been proven to have a significant anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect on the skin, making it beneficial for calming sensitivities and reducing breakouts. This amazing profile of actives works in synergy to nourish, heal and protect the skin cells, just as it does in the plant species.

Quandong (Santalum Acuminatum)

also called Native Peach, Wild Peach or Goorti

Source – Central and South Australia. Wild harvested crimson coloured fruit with a peach/apricot flavour, found in waterless areas of deserts and semi-arid regions from the Sandalwood family (Santalaceae). Growing wild, it has adapted to becoming a hardy survivor to withstand dry, drought conditions, uptaking nutrients from the roots of surrounding plants.

Backstory – This whole tree has been used for centuries by Indigenous Australians for food and medicine – the fruit was an important source of bush tucker, being a great substitute for meat, being high in nutrients like iron and zinc. The kernel of the fruit was crushed and its oil used to condition hair and treat skin disorders, the leaves were crushed and mixed with saliva to make an ointment for skin sores and boils, the roots were ground down to make a tea infusion to treat rheumatism.

Benefits – Contains an amazing storehouse of potent bio-actives, being very rich in antioxidants including Vitamin C, Ferulic Acid and gentle AHA fruit enzymes, helping to smooth, hydrate and stimulate collagen production to plump and condition the skin. Protective against UV damage and pigmentation, redness, and uneven skin tone.  Acts as an anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial on the skin, high in Essential fatty acids and Vitamin E to rejuvenate, moisturise and create a more luminous glow.

Rainforest Lime (Microcitrus Australis)

Known as Dooja

Source – South East QLD.  A large shrub found in open and drier rainforest areas with round green to lemon coloured fruit with a thick skin and pale green pulp. 

Backstory  - A highly valued fruit by Indigenous Australians as both a food source and its wellbeing benefits, being very rich in Vitamin C. 

Benefits – Packed with nutrient rich bio-active antioxidants, minerals and especially organic acids such as Vitamin C (ascorbic), citric and malic acids (AHAs).  These highly effective natural acids exfoliate the outer layer of the skin to brighten, smooth, create an even skin tone and reduce the appearance of ageing. The AHAs penetrate deeply into the skin, helping to boost collagen production to enhance skin bounce, strength and a youthful glow.

Rosella Flower Extract (Hibiscus Sabdariffa)

also known as Native Sorrel

Source – Northern Australia.  Wild harvested. An exotic native wildflower, stunning glossy red that has adapted incredible resiliency to survive harsh coastal conditions. 

Backstory – Utilised for its medicinal healing value by Indigenous Australians, where the leaves were heated and applied to sores, wounds and ulcers. The bark was used to make dilly bags (for transporting food), twine and hunting nets.  The tart-sweet fruit was used as a nourishing food source.

Benefits – A concentrated source of phyto-active compounds, with strong antioxidants and anti-inflammatory benefits, that is beneficial to all skin types.  Promotes new cellular growth, elasticity and supports collagen production to slow the visible signs of ageing. Packed with natural organic acids (malic, citric and hibiscus acids) that are gentle AHA exfoliants for smoothing and brightening. High in Vitamins A, C and E that actively work to revive dehydrated, tired skin for a revitalised glow.

Snowflower (Melaleuca Alternifolia)

Commonly known as Narrow Leaf Tea Tree, Narrow Leaf Paperbark 

Source – Northern NSW/South QLD. Native tree that belongs to the Tea Tree family with soft fluffy white flowers that resemble snow.

Backstory Commonly used by Indigenous Australians for its valuable medicinal and antiseptic properties, to treat colds, wounds and skin ailments. 

Benefits – A super hero plant with vast phyto-compounds, including incredible antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and de-pigmentation actives, helping to reduce and protect against sun and environmental damage and age-spots, working to enhance skin brightness, condition, calm redness and inflammation. Its catchetin compounds (powerful antioxidants like we find in Green Tea) are 100 times more potent than Vitamin C and 25 times more potent than Vitamin E! They work to enhance collagen production, improve skin hydration and restore skin glow. An amazing anti-ageing, skin lightening, hydrating and skin regenerative protector.

Tasmanian Blue Gum (Eucalyptus Globulus Leaf)

known as Southern Blue Gum

Source Tasmania. A majestic hardy eucalypt, adapted to survive heat, fire and forest conditions, being amongst one of the largest trees in the world.

Backstory -  Indigenous Australians used the tree bark to make spears and canoes, while the powerful antiseptic qualities from the sap and leaves were used to make poultices for wounds, inflammation and rheumatism and the aromas inhaled after boiling leaves to treat chest colds and headaches.  Unique ancient species evolved over millions of years, able to create and store an abundance of potent phyto-nutrients.

Benefits – An amazing storehouse of 10 powerful bio actives that support skin on all levels, from ageing skin to problem/acne prone to sensitive skin.  Its Amino and Phenolic acids exert strong antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties to reduce and protect against free radical damage such as sunspots, pigmentation and visible signs of ageing. Beneficial to balance, lighten and purify the complexion, calm redness, irritation and locking in moisture to hydrate, strengthen and condition the skin. 

Waratah (Telopea Speciosissima)

Waratah means ‘Red-flowering tree’

Source – South East Australia.  Wild harvested Native shrub that produces stunning bright red flowers and is the NSW state emblem.  A hardy plant well adapted to survive extreme conditions, their leaves are thick and waxy which lock moisture in during dry seasons and it can easily regenerate after bushfires.

Backstory  - The seeds were used by Indigenous Australians as a valuable food source, whilst its nectar rich flowers as a sweet drink. Tree branches were also used to make baskets.  

Benefits – Contains powerful multi-functional phyto-compounds including antioxidants, proteins and phenolic acids that work to repair and protect skin against ageing and UV/environmental damage, encouraging a brighter, luminous complexion. Supports a healthier barrier function, calming redness and inflammation and acts as a humectant to attract moisture to the skin and helping to lock it in for lasting hydration, suppleness and glow.

Wattleseed (Acacia Victoriae)

Also called Elegant Wattle, Gundabluey, Bramble Wattle

Source -   Australia, largely in QLD and WA.  Wild harvested.  A native tree species found in arid and semi-arid regions around Australia, fast growing and adapted to survive drought and different soil conditions. Its bright green leaves and golden blooms are the floral emblem for Australia.

Backstory – Indigenous Australians used the wattle seeds as a nutritional bush food, eaten raw or cooked or ground to a flour to make bush bread.

Benefits – A hardworking array of bio-active nutrients, including concentrated amino acid proteins and phenolic acids that profile significant antioxidant protection, anti-inflammatory, anti-ageing and healing properties for sensitive and irritated skin, freshening up dull skin and bringing balance to oily skin.  Provides intense skin nourishment, supporting collagen growth to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, healing and regenerating benefits to soothe, calm and promote a healthy supple complexion.